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"I've been aware that this has been happening, too. It actually reminds me of the issue that I've heard about designer handbags. Apparently designer handbags are assembled in China, but they're sold for so much more after they're exported and re-imported to China, but what happens is sometimes the manufacturing factories produce more than they're required to, and sell the extras for much cheaper, so what ends up happening is people “in-the-know” can buy designer bags that are a lot cheaper than retail from these factories. I don’t personally know how it works exactly, but I feel like maybe Apple assembly factories can start doing something like that? I suspect the parts for Apple products are also from China, so wouldn’t it make sense for them to have some overstock without telling Apple and sneaking some extras to be sold at a discounted price? Maybe I’m thinking about this wrong, but I think it’s ridiculous that the iPad 2 is more expensive in the country it actually is manufactured in."
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"After reading your post... I feel like my experience at the Expo could have been significantly improved if I wasn't so jaded and had high hopes of actually going to see nicer Pavilions. Maybe if I adopted your attitude, I would have been pleasantly surprised instead of being extremely irritated and annoyed. I wanted to visit the US Pavilion most of all, but I think the reason so many people wanted to visit it because it was the all mighty US... many people told me that the US Pavilion in fact wasn't really that great. And I actually heard that you could get into the China Pavilion by showing your US Passports! So had you guys had your passports, you could have gotten in. I can't be sure if it's true, but that's what I was told when I came back to the US and talked to other people who visited the Expo."
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"Awesome letter. I don't think expulsion would have made her learn anything, either. I also don't agree with the way that people are dealing with her racism through hate--death threats are a bit much considering that's what we're trying to combat. It makes us look bad when we deal with hate with more hate. Although personally, I do not agree with (and am extremely offended by) the way Alexandra describes the "hordes of Asians" and the fact that they need to use "American manners", I have to say that I do understand her frustration at people who talk on cellphones in the library... I also am annoyed when I am trying to study and people are loudly chatting on their cellphone, but they are not always Asian and they DO NOT ever say "ching chong ling long ting tong" and they are NOT calling every person in their phonebook about the tsunamis, which is a completely different matter. This girl... if I were her parents, I would be deeply ashamed that my parenting has led to such ignorance."
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